Prime IPTV Stream - Refund Policy

Last Updated: 12/11/2023

1. General Refund Policy

At Prime IPTV Stream Service, we strive to provide a reliable and high-quality IPTV experience. Your satisfaction is our priority. This Refund Policy outlines the terms and conditions under which refunds may be considered.

2. Refund Eligibility

Technical Issues: Refunds may be considered in cases where users experience ongoing technical issues that substantially impact their ability to access the service. Users must promptly report such issues to our customer support team.

3. No-Refund Situations

After Trial Period: Refunds will not be issued after the trial period ends.

Subscription Renewal: Refunds will not be provided for subscription renewals.

Violation of Terms: Users found to violate our terms of service will not be eligible for refunds.

If the technical issues affecting the users’ ability to access the service originate from their end.

4. Refund Process

Users requesting a refund must contact our customer support team via email with details of the issue and the reason for the refund request.

Refund requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Refunds, if approved, will be processed using the same payment method used for the original purchase.

5. Changes to Refund Policy

Prime IPTV Stream Service reserves the right to modify this refund policy at any time. Users will be notified of any changes through our website or other communication channels.

5. Changes to Refund Policy

For questions or concerns regarding our refund policy, please contact our customer support team at [].